In 2023, human society and natural ecosystems seemed to be navigating the razor's edge between "ice and fire". The IPCC report warned that the average global temperature increase was perilously close to the 1.5°C threshold. And the El Niño phenomenon made global temperature fluctuations even more extreme. Additionally, high debt levels in developing countries have squeezed vital funding for domestic welfare improvements in areas like education, health, and environmental sustainability, thereby limiting their resilience. In the "era of global boiling", we observed the rapid degradation of ecosystems, slow economic recovery, and growing international uncertainty. Facing these complex challenges, the key question in bilateral and multilateral initiatives and public discourse is how to maintain the resilience of economic social systems and individuals while fostering a shared vision of harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.
如果把2023当成是电影,我们看到的仿佛是一出发生在《泰坦尼克号》上的《虎胆龙威》。如果把2023当成是关卡游戏的其中一关,我们有些忐忑地猜测着下一关要应对“魔王”的何种绝招。Game尚未over,玩家仍在努力: 3月份谈成的历史性《公海协定》让我们看到多边主义下全球治理的可能性;首次全球气候盘点驱动着各国加强其行动力度;完善后的国家公园法案将带领中国在2035年建成世界最大国家公园体系。
If the world in 2023 were a "movie", it might resemble an intense drama set on the Titanic, infused with the thrills of Die Hard. Viewing it as a level in a "video game", one might apprehensively anticipate the formidable challenges posed by the "final boss". The "game" is not over, and the players are still actively engaged: the historic BBNJ Agreement, negotiated in March, showcased the possibilities of global governance through multilateralism; the first-ever Global Stocktake inspired nations to intensify their climate action efforts; and the refined National Parks Act positions China to establish the world’s largest national park system by 2035.
As the Spring Festival approaches, this New Year Special edition of Journal of Our Planet celebrates the contributions made in the past year by GHub and its partners in pursuit of sustainable development. When countless resolute individuals unleash the power of minds, the goals of building a zero-carbon future, where humanity and nature coexist in harmony, remains within reach.
2023年里,我们持续跟进并参与到 10 场关键的多边治理进程,从本土社会组织视角撰写了 22 篇观察文章。
In 2023, we actively tracked and engaged in 10 key multilateral governance initiatives, producing 22 observations from the perspective of a local social organization.
| 《阿联酋共识》正式达成 The UAE Consensus was officially adopted |
We focus on the global climate governance, investment and financing, adaptation, and regional cooperation in the post-Paris era. A significant milestone was reached at COP28 with the UAE Consensus. This included decisions on the operational mechanism of the Loss and Damage Fund, on the outcomes of the first global stocktake including efforts to triple global renewable energy capacity, double the global annual rate of energy efficiency improvements, and transition away from fossil fuels, as well as on the framework for the Global Goal on Adaptation.
| 《BBNJ协定》正式通过 The BBNJ Agreement was officially adopted |
After eight years of consistent engagement in this process, we finally witnessed this historic moment. When the agreement comes into force, a new avenue will be added for the 30×30 Initiative.
我们发布了 17 份知识产品,内容涵盖气候、海洋与生物多样性等领域中治理与实践的前沿议题,为推动国内环境治理与国际合作提供了新的思路与参考。
In 2023, we offered innovative perspectives and references, contributing to both national environmental governance and international collaboration with 17 knowledge products, addressing forefront issues in governance and practical applications within the fields of climate, ocean, and biodiversity.
| 助力金融机构开展气候相关环境信息披露:政策与实践
Enhancing Climate-Related Environmental Information Disclosure of Financial Institutions: Policies and Practices |
在气候变化加剧、全球可持续发展进程放缓的背景下,强化环境信息披露已成为全球共识。为助力中国环境信息披露体系建设,我们与北京绿金院共同对全球气候相关环境信息披露的政策与实践进行梳理,以更好地识别气候变化背景下中国环境信息披露面临的主要挑战与未来发展方向。 In a world grappling with intensifying climate change and slowdown of sustainable development, enhancing environmental information disclosure has become a global consensus. To assist in the development of China's environmental information disclosure system, IFS and GHub jointly analyzed policies and practices of climate-related environmental information disclosure worldwide. This report aimed to identify the main challenges and future directions for environmental information disclosure in China within the context of climate change. |
气候风险、影响与韧性:战略、地方行动与投融资 Climate Risks, Impacts and Resilience: Strategy, Local Practices and Financing
极端天气事件频发,全球适应气候变化的差距不断扩大。我们通过梳理国内外适应领域的最新政策进展和实践经验,帮助利益相关方了解气候适应的现状、机遇和挑战,助力推动国际合作中适应气候变化的主流化。 As we face the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and the widening gap in global climate adaptation efforts, the urgency of this issue becomes more pronounced than ever. This briefing offers an in-depth analysis of the latest policy developments and practices in domestic and global climate adaptation fields. It provides stakeholders with insights into the current situation, emerging opportunities, and challenges in climate adaptation, thereby mainstreaming adaptation strategies within international collaborations. |
全球气候治理进展与差距:团结一心共落实,以行动促雄心——阿联酋COP28展望 Progress and Gaps of Global Climate Governance: Unite for Faster Action and Deliver with Higher Ambition – An Outlook for UAE COP28
面对不断攀升的气候风险和复杂多变的国际形势,社会组织积极参与全球气候治理,可以进一步发挥桥梁作用,拓宽行动空间,推动中国声音走出去。《联合国气候变化框架公约》第28次缔约方大会(COP28)正值第一次全球盘点周期的收束,其成果会为下一阶段气候目标制定和行动实施提供参考。我们就COP28的焦点议题展开深度解读,为行业伙伴参与全球气候治理与国际气候合作提供参考。 Confronted with escalating climate risks and a dynamic international situation, civil society organizations are actively engaged in global climate governance, bridging stakeholders, expanding action scope, and enhancing China's global presence. The 28th Session of the Conference of Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change marks the end of the first Global Stocktake cycle, with its outcomes informing the climate goals and their implementation in the next phase. We serves as a knowledge hub for industry peers involved in global climate governance and international cooperation. |
| 展雄心,促落实——“昆蒙框架”下的《中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划》分析与建议 Ambition and Action—Analyzing and Advising on the China National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan within the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Grounded in the 23 action targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, we reviewed the China National Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2030) and China’s recent policy initiatives. The goal is to idenitify and bridge the gaps between the targets set by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, existing strategies, and domestic policies. |
中国-东盟区域生物多样性保护与投资贸易信息图 China-ASEAN Regional Biodiversity Conservation and Investment Trade Infographic
We reviewd ASEAN countries' biodiversity conservation multiple-sources financing mechanisms and reviewed the potential impacts of corporate investments and trade activities in the region on biodiversity. Additionally, we provided recommendations to stakeholders on ASEAN’s biodiversity conservation financing. |
| 中英合作——探索自然资本核算及其应用的机遇与挑战 China-UK Collaboration—Natural Capital Accounting and Application: Opportunities and Challenges
我们总结并介绍了中英两国的自然资本核算及其应用,旨在推动政策制定者、企业和金融机构认识以及更好地开展自然资本核算与管理,并利用其结果支持创新的生态保护实践。 We've summarized and showcased the practice of natural capital accounting and application in both China and the UK, aiming to raise awareness among policymakers, businesses, and financial institutions. This effort is directed at facilitating the implementation of natural capital accounting and utilizing its outcomes to support innovative practices in pursuit of nature conservation. |
| 基于科学,高于科学——公海保护区建设的协商程序 Science-Guided, Science-Transcending—The Negotiation Process for Marine Protected Areas in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction |
2023 年 6 月 19 日,联合国在纽约正式通过《海洋法公约下国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用协定》(简称《BBNJ 协定》)。这一协定为公海生物多样性的治理提供了一套规则,其中包括在公海上设立包括海洋保护区在内的划区管理工具等措施的程序。我们通过对已有公海保护区决策程序的梳理,为《BBNJ 协定》未来的落实及中国的参与提出展望。 On June 19, 2023, the United Nations officially adopted the under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ Agreement) in New York. This Agreement established a framework for the governance of biodiversity in the areas beyond national jurisdiction, including protocols for setting up marine protected areas and other zonal management tools. We delved into the decision-making processes of existing marine protected areas in the areas beyond national jurisdiction, offering insights into the future implementation of the BBNJ Agreement and China's role therein. |
| 具有气候韧性的海洋保护区规划 Developing Plans for Climate-Resilient Marine Protected Areas
近年来,全球海洋保护区的面积不断扩大,这对减缓和促进适应气候变化对海洋的影响有着积极的作用。由于气候变化将继续影响全球(MPAs)网络,过去的经验可能不足以作为未来保护规划和管理的参照指南,因此,如何维持保护区功能,并有效地将气候变化纳入保护区规划,已成为未来海洋保护规划的新挑战。我们通过文献分析研究,梳理了现有在海洋保护区设计过程中的方法,为在海洋保护区建设中协同实现“昆蒙框架”和《巴黎协定》的目标提供了建议。 In recent years, the global expansion of marine protected areas (MPAs) has significantly contributed to mitigation and adaptation efforts in response to climate change impacts on the oceans. As climate change continues to shape the global MPA network, past experience may not be entirely sufficient for guiding future conservation planning and management. Therefore, figuring out how to maintain the functionality of these protected areas while effectively incorporating climate change considerations into planning process presents a new challenge in marine protection. We through a review of the literature, examined existing methods in the design of MPAs, offering recommendations for aligning the governance of MPAs with the goals set by "the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework" and the Paris Agreement.
基于国内外环境治理领域的重点事件,我们撰写了51 篇分析与解读文章 ,以本土社会组织的视角贡献于环境治理的公共讨论。
During key events in domestic and global environmental governance, we contributed to public discussions on environmental governance from the perspective of local social organizations with 51 analyses.
| 面对真实的蓝碳
Confronting the Realities of Blue Carbon |
The idea of transforming marine carbon sinks into "blue carbon" emission reductions for carbon markets seems intuitively sound. However, due to the oceans' unique characteristics, realizing tradable emission reductions from marine carbon sinks is fraught with challenges. We navigated through various issues faced by different types of marine biological carbon sinks, guiding readers to form realistic expectations for the development of marine carbon sinks amidst global biodiversity loss and complex climate change interactions.
我们组织了8场多元对话,邀请来自不同领域的政策制定者、学者、金融机构、社会组织和商业领袖,促成利益相关者的多元对话与共同行动,为可持续的,绿色,韧性和自然向好的未来共探解决路径。 Throughout the year, we've been generating dialogues, and fostering joint efforts on collectively exploring paths toward a sustainable, green, resilient, and nature-positive future via organizing 8 cross-sectoral dialogues, convening a diverse stakeholders, including policymakers, scholars, financial institutions, social organizations, and business leaders.
我们收获了多家媒体的 20 次报道,面向更广泛公众围绕可持续议题开展公共讨论。 We helped generated a wider discussion in the public discourse on sustainability through fostering 20 media coverage. | 从协议到协力:复元生物多样性 From Protocol to Collaboration: Revitalizing Biodiversity
| 2022年,“昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架”在联合国《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(COP15)第二阶段会议上正式通过,开启了全球生物多样性保护的新征程,提出了新目标。2023是“昆蒙框架”实施的开局之年。各方应将重点转移到行动上,积极促进落实,为全球生物多样性保护开启新的篇章。在第23个国际生物多样性日之际,我们与各位共同呼吁:促落实,奔向人与自然和谐共生的2030。 In 2022, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) was formally launched at the second phase of the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), thus starting a new journey in global biodiversity conservation with visionary goals. As 2023 marks the beginning of GBF implementation, all parties should shift their focus to concrete actions, making efforts to facilitate such implementation and opening a new chapter in global biodiversity conservation. On the International Biodiversity Day, the GHub urges all parties to accelerate the implementation as we head for a harmonious 2030 where human and nature shall live in peace. 首刊于《新周刊》第635期 This issue was first published in the 635th issue of the New Weekly |
| 水与火之夏:气候风险下的我们 What can we do to respond to climate-related risks? | 我们简析了气候变化下全球极端天气加剧的归因以及影响,同时围绕纽约气候周主题“我们能,我们将(We Can.We Will.)”,分别从全球、中国与个人视角下应对气候变化的举措展开介绍,旨在呼吁人们为气候变化做出有意义的实际行动。 By analyzing the causes and impacts of surging extreme weather under climate change, it also aligns with the theme of Climate Week NYC, which is "We Can. We Will". The article introduces attempts and actions to address climate change from global, national, and individual perspectives. It calls on people to take meaningful and practical actions to address climate change. 首刊于《新周刊》第643期 This issue was first published in the 643th issue of the New Weekly |
| 自然“值”多少:不止是数字 How much is nature worth: more than just numbers | 我们从自然资本核算议题展开了分析与解读,核算不仅是为得到自然资本的价值数字,更重要的是让决策有依据,让自然反映出应有的价值,并得到充分的保护和利用。 Accounting is not only about getting a figure for the value of natural capital, but more importantly, it is about giving a basis for decision making so that nature reflects its proper value and is fully protected and utilized. 首刊于《EURObio》第76期
This issue was first published in the 76th issue of the EURObiz
Our journey in this critical decade is long, but our resolve is unwavering. We press forward at an accelerated pace, deeply grateful for the enduring companionship and support of our partners.
In 2024, let us stride towards new frontiers in sustainable development and ecological civilization, collaboratively shaping a greener future! 2021-2030年是人类落实2030可持续发展目标的关键行动期,目前进度条已到五分之二,我们亟需扩大气候、自然、海洋行动的规模和速度,奔向与自然共生的零碳未来。值此窗口期,北京绿研公益发展中心出品了《地球札记》手账,其中回顾了过去七十余年间(1952-2023)可持续发展里程碑事件,这是几代人接力守望我们这颗蓝色星球的丰碑。道虽长,行则至,我们一起在2030年准时赴约。
欢迎扫描二维码获取《地球札记》手帐及其内附的《可持续发展大事记》PDF版。手帐数量有限,先到先得。 |